
site is very obviously under construction.. and if anything i might change the layout of this pretty soon.
my name is cammi, and i'm the webprincess of this domain ヽ (> ∀ <☆) ノ i code, use photoshop, blender, and other computer based things in my freetime. i'm also a current highschool illustration major.

i believe i started this website back in the summer..? i thought i'd just learn html and css for funzies, but it took me a while because back then i didn't know jack shit about neocities or coding so i just gave up LOL.

in conclusion i just started this for fun and to have cute customization ability. i hope that this little thing that i made is appealing to whoever is viewing


2/04/25, 11:32 P.M. ☆

- added new parts to index
- added new songs to index (im essentially using this as a playlist LMFAO)

12/30/24, 12:17 P.M. ☆

- changed the text colors on index, about me, and my cbox for readability.
- started a shrine layout.


12/23/24, 11:26 A.M. ☆ added my journal page after so long !!


12/23/24, 11:26 A.M. ☆ added more deco to my about me, my status.cafe embed (even though neocities is a bitch to younger accounts so i have to edit it manually..), and more songs + functions to the music player.


12/22/24, 1:25 P.M. ☆ finished with my button, my to-do-list, and my about me page !!!11!!! plan to add more to my about because its looking super basic rn hardy har har


12/21/24, 11:40 P.M. ☆ added a music player, a to do list (even though i have no clue what id add there?) and a placeholder for where id put my button. i decided to do a regular music player instead of a winamp because like i said that shit is HARD !!!!


12/21/24, 2:03 P.M. ☆ kinda fixed the weird marquee keyframes. they aren't as good but are muuchh better than they were before !! plan to add a winamp soon which i know is gonna be so hard..


12/20/24, 5:36 P.M. ☆ finally added more elements to this page, such as the cbox and the scrollbox you're reading right now hoping to fix those rlly awkward marquee keyframes but my css keeps shifting everytime i try to change it which is so #notlit.

cammi is feeling.. The current mood of meowcammi at www.imood.com

meowcammi 💔 1 day ago
i really want to go home


❤︎ finish index page, add a status.cafe embed to my html

❤︎ add an about me page, which will be very simple

❤ add more stuff to my about me, im #lazytho

❤ start the journal page once i stop being lazy LAWL finished that but now to actually write stuff in the page..

❤ add a new marquee to display future web neighbors

❤ somehow implement directions on functions for the music player

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